Paul Ingram
Paul Ingram is the Kravis Professor of Business at Columbia Business School, where he has received the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence, been selected by graduating EMBA students as the winner of the Commitment to Excellence Award nine times, and thrice been chosen by students to deliver the keynote speech at their graduation ceremony. The courses he teaches on leadership and strategy benefit from his research on organizations in the United States, Canada, Israel, England, Scotland, China, Korea, and Australia. His research has been published in more than seventy articles, book chapters, and books. His publications have received numerous distinctions, including the Gould Prize from the American Journal of Sociology, and several best paper awards.
Paul’s undergraduate degree is from Brock University where he received the Governor General’s Award as the top graduating student. His PhD is from Cornell University, and he was on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University before coming to Columbia.