2023 Alumni Medalist Awards

Columbia Alumni Medalists are recognized for building Columbia's community - whether regionally, online, in specific Schools, or in cross-campus initiatives. Recipients are honored at University Commencement and at a celebration during Columbia Alumni Leaders Weekend.

Carlos V. Cruz
Carlos V. Cruz

1988 BA Columbia College

Vivian Lewis
Vivian Lewis, MD

1977 MD Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons


Carol Loewenson
Carol Loewenson

1976 BA Barnard College
1979 M.Arch Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

Diane McKoy
Diane McKoy

2000 MA, 2002 MEd Teachers College

Jyoti Menon
Jyoti Menon

2001 BA Barnard College
2006 MIA School of International and Public Affairs

Alexander A. Ned
Alexander A. Ned

1987 BS, 1990 MS The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science 

Jean-Pierre Reichenbach
Jean-Pierre Reichenbach

1970 MBA Columbia Business School


Lulu Chow Wang
Lulu Chow Wang

1983 MBA Columbia Business School

Richard Witten
Richard E. Witten

1975 BA Columbia College

Anette Wu, MD, MPH, PhD
Anette Wu

2008 MPH Mailman School of Public Health